Anyways, yesterday was mild I guess. Except the weather...ugh. I don't think I can get over this weather, honestly. I can only hope for it to go away soon. I only have three days left here! Thursday. Friday. And I leave Saturday. This program has gone by way too quickly. I feel like a broken record, but it's true.
This post will be pretty short because I want to go back to studying. Korean Studies was a ridiculous class today. It was supposed to be a review day, except we really didn't review. I don't know what I'm going to do about this class. Everyone complains about it. Not the content or anything...but the professor. I don't even know what to think of him anymore. I guess I've learned that I have to watch for biases in professors now. I feel like I've been lied to the entire time. A lot of his information, turns out, is incorrect. After studying in a group today for the final, I realized how much we a) didn't learn about the most recent part of Korean history and b) were given false information. Oh well. The class has, though, encouraged me to learn more on my own.
Next two parts of my Korean final...읽기 (reading) was fine but 말하기 (speaking) was a little worse. I hope I did well enough. At least it wasn't as bad as my Korean language placement speaking exam. I felt like I did decently well on it. I guess we'll see when I get my scores back tomorrow. Nervous!
After class, I managed to lock myself out of the room. Twice. Ugh. I think I got too used to Nye where our door could stay unlocked if we left it to be like that. Oh man, that door was so convenient. Here though, not so much.
I went to dinner with my...I don't know what to call them. My grandpa's younger brother and wife. So in Korean I call them 작은 할머니 할아버지 (literally little grandma and grandpa - little as in younger in relation to my grandpa). Are they granduncle, grandaunt? I don't know English anymore... Anyways, I ate dinner with them - shabu shabu! I failed at taking a picture of the food, but I found one on the internet that is pretty similar to what it looked like. We had an individual pot for it and it was super delicious. This restaurant is also right next to the dorms...but I guess no one goes there because it's pretty expensive. But it was super delicious!
Picture makes me want to eat it again. You cook the meat in the pot of boiling broth.
After eating, I went back to study. Group study! This was actually I think the most productive group study session I've had while here, haha. It was great. But now I'm still studying. Ohhh well...
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